Room for Ideas
Angle Gallery is an Amsterdam based exhibition/meeting/project space. Located right in the city centre, close to the museum and gallery district, on Weteringschans 207.
Angle Gallery intersects between art/objects/installations and lighting design.
It seeks to surprise and connect people with visions.
Angle Gallery was founded in 2012 by Maurice van Bakel. He likes to move and inspire with angles as wide as possible. By sharing his passion for light and the void.
Maurice van Bakels interior / architecture office is based on the same location. You can visit the website http://mauricevanbakel.nl for more information.
Angle of Reflections
The beautiful exibition space has a high glass facade on street level which gives people from outside an ample view of the space within. After sunset, the ever changing and colored light installations open Angle Gallery up to the urban space, and provide it with a new visual identity.
With its presentations and events, Angle Gallery aims to establish an engaging dialogue with the audience. In order to bring out the central role the power of ideas should play in contemporary life.
Presented artists
Paul Baartmans (NL)
Simone van Bakel (NL)
Guillaume Bijl (B)
Bas Bossinade (NL)
Harm Jan Boven (NL)
Peter Cleutjens (NL)
Lisa Couwenbergh (NL)
Peter Fend (USA)
Tamar Frank (NL)
Gato (ES)
Isa Genzken (D)
Albert Goederond (NL)
Ramaz Goiati (GE)
Daan van Golden (NL)
Bettie van Haaster (NL)
Hak Min Lee (KR)
Leen Kaldenberg (NL)
Eleni Kamma (GR)
Jassu Kaneko (JP)
Gabriëlle van de Laak (NL)
Lucia Luptáková (NL)
Christian Marclay (USA)
Arno van der Mark (NL)
Jan van Munster (NL)
Alan Murray (UK)
Mai van Oers (NL)
Hirsch Perlman (USA)
Joke Robaard (NL)
Charlie Roberts (USA)
Anke Roder (NL)
Q.S. Serafijn (NL)
Jean Marc Spaans (NL)
Els Timmermans (NL)
Joëlle Tuerlinckx (B)
Richard Tuttle (USA)
Isik Tüzüner (TR)
JCJ Vanderheyden (NL)
Peter Verhaar (NL)
Roy Villevoye (NL)
Hans Walraven (NL)
Robert Weide (NL)
Albert van Westing (NL)
Heimo Zobernig (AU)